Hi, welcome to Elliker Cookie Company!

A Batch Made in Heaven

Located in the rolling hills of Elverson, PA, you’ll find the sweetest spot in town, the Elliker Cookie Company. Our family has been a part of the local community for 16 years, and decorated cookies have become our signature. My love for pretty cookies began as a child, decorating Christmas cookies alongside my mom. It only seemed natural to make creative treats for events when I had children of my own. I started doing custom orders for friends and family, and over time, the request for cookies became a flourishing small business serving Berks, Lancaster, & Chester counties. It is truly incredible that in March 2020, we embarked on the adventure to renovate our home office to a small bakery, and officially launched our brand.

We are a family that has found our passion in serving the community together through creating edible art gifts. Amy (that’s me!) is the baker and artist behind the cookies, and is the face of the social media accounts. My background includes a B.A. in Commercial Art…and lots and lots of practice. My husband, Steve, shares his business expertise and ideas, and really helps me think things through. He is one smart cookie! The kids (so many kids) are one sweet marketing team. They let me send cookies with them for any occasion. Team snack? Cookies! Teacher gift? Cookies! Meeting a new neighbor? Take some cookies! Emily is my budding apprentice, and straight ‘outa the oven, our youngest was a cookie monster. If it’s a holiday sale, you’ll also find Amy’s mom in an apron to help with all the baking that is needed. She is the OG cookie maker that inspired Amy for many years. So much of our family’s heart goes into each and every cookie! ECC would crumble without all of these wonderful people!

We are truly blessed and so grateful that we have been able to pursue our dreams and share them with our community and beyond. Thank you to our family and friends who helped us grow our business and continually encourage us to keep going.

XOXO, AMY and Co.

When life gives you lemons, toss them aside and eat cookies instead!